About The Wannabe Chef

My name is Evan. I live in New England where I’ve spent my whole life. I love to cook and bake and make the kinds of food that people want to eat, balancing a sweet tooth with a gluten-free and low-dairy vegetarian diet–sometimes healthy, sometimes not so much. In the Summer of ’11 I interned under a Boston-area chef at a local Italian restaurant.

Most of what I cook is simple, no-fuss food with vibrant flavors and natural ingredients, perfect recipes for the at-home wannabe chef looking to cook more. I try to cook using cheaper ingredients that are high in nutrients. I don’t think you need fancy or expensive ingredients to make something delicious; fresh food has all the flavor you need.

This blog chronicles my journey towards becoming the best at-home chef I can be. Through writing it, I’ve also gained an interest in food photography and have been working hard to improve. It’s become a hobby of mine in addition to running and watching television.

If you have any comments or questions, feel free to email me at Evan@thewannabechef.net or through my contact page and I’ll be sure to respond.

48 Responses to About The Wannabe Chef
  1. Kristina @ spabettie
    October 17, 2010 | 9:38 pm

    This totally describes you – great foods AND fun humor that we all love!!


    I cannot wait to see more.

    Congrats, Evan!

  2. Christine
    October 18, 2010 | 9:20 pm

    I LOVE your new site! I think is going to be great!

  3. kate
    October 18, 2010 | 10:43 pm

    Im your new sites biggest fan! Congrats!!

  4. elise
    October 23, 2010 | 1:25 am

    i like the new site…cant wait to read on 🙂

  5. Erin
    November 2, 2010 | 12:06 am

    I finally found you again! And I’m so haps 🙂

  6. Veronica (lifewithnature)
    November 19, 2010 | 10:28 am

    I think you did a very good job at rebranding your site to better fit your favorite subject: food.

    I really like your take on food. It’s always decadently delicious while still being health concsious. And even if you’re not adhering specifically to any “special” diet, you still manage to bring a crowd of readers, including high raw, vegans and gluten-free folks. This is a great success on its own, but on top of that, being featured in Food Network and Rachael Ray, that’s even better! Continue your good work, you’re a great source of inspiration!

  7. Anna @ History Running Girl
    December 30, 2010 | 11:47 am

    I studied Medieval History in college, so I felt closer to the Classics majors than the Modern History majors. They were way cooler than History majors anyway!

  8. Brittany
    January 5, 2011 | 9:43 pm

    Well done! Your story is really interesting.

  9. polly
    January 11, 2011 | 11:42 am

    Love your site, i found you thru my sweet friend Heather from HEAB. We are big SUGARLAND fans in this house!!! Yahoo!

  10. Christin@purplebirdblog
    January 12, 2011 | 12:19 am

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Evan. I have added you to my Google reader and look forward to reading more!! 🙂

  11. Allison @ Happy Tales
    January 16, 2011 | 12:49 am

    I just came across your site… so glad I found it, you seem to be an AMAZING cook!!!!!

  12. Natalie S.
    January 17, 2011 | 1:24 pm

    I’m coming out of lurkdom to tell you I LOVE your blog. I’m also a student who is generally faced with the choice of “eat a bag of popcorn after class or cook a meal?” I’m so impressed with your ability to keep up such a great blog as a student… I really struggle with making posts during finals, midterms, etc.! Anyway… just dropping by to tell you that your blog is great and I’m really excited about making dessert hummus and not telling my roommates what’s in it until they guess.


    • Wannabe Chef
      January 17, 2011 | 5:34 pm

      Thank you! It’s always great to hear from another student who loves to cook. I live with a group of football players so I don’t find many other people in the kitchen, lol.

  13. Nicole
    January 18, 2011 | 8:39 pm

    Ahh yay other college students who actually like cooking! Unfortunately I’m still in the dorm (I’m a sophomore) and have such limited food choices it’s starting to drive me crazy.

    Hence the massive amounts of time I spend looking at other people’s food blogs 😉 And living vicariously through them…

    Love your blog! 🙂

  14. Clarice
    January 22, 2011 | 5:17 pm

    What does one do with a degree in Classics? I’m assuming it would be similar to an English or History degree.

    • Wannabe Chef
      January 22, 2011 | 8:18 pm

      A lot of people who stay in the field go on to grad school and become professors. If not that, usually something completely unrelated, like cooking or corporate jobs.

  15. Emily @ One Sweet Vegan
    February 12, 2011 | 11:29 am

    I’ve seen you around the blog comment world, but this is my first time visiting your blog. I’m so glad I did. I can tell it’s going to be a regular favorite of mine!

  16. Sheila
    March 5, 2011 | 11:53 pm

    I am looking forward to reading your blog. I am a big fan of the food network channel!!
    I love to cook

  17. Kathleen @ Kat's Health Corner
    March 12, 2011 | 10:25 am

    I love your blog!!! You are such an inspiration!! 😀


  18. Kara
    March 18, 2011 | 11:57 am

    I love this. So glad I stumbled upon you today. I too am a student, a long distance runner, and a photography lover. I also wish I could be a chef (or a baker) instead of what I’m going to school for.

    Maybe. Just maybe.

    Anyway, glad I found your blog! I’ll definately be stalking it often!

  19. Lindsay @ Lindsay's List
    August 7, 2011 | 8:59 pm

    Evan – stumbled across your site a few weeks ago. Your photography is STUNNING!

  20. Amanda @ Cucina Amanda
    August 10, 2011 | 10:44 am

    I just saw your guest post on Ashley’s blog! I’m also running the Philadelphia Marathon this year! I’ve run the half twice, but this will be my first marathon!

  21. Meghan
    August 14, 2011 | 1:45 pm

    I just found your site…your pictures are amazing. I can’t wait to start making and trying your recipes!

  22. ChocolatePBCups
    September 23, 2011 | 5:09 pm

    Hey Evan! I came across your blog and I wanted to say hello! Well for one, because I never see guys in the blogging world and it’s a nice change. And that’s awesome that you interned in Boston ! That’s where I’m from 🙂 Can’t wait to read more!

    • Wannabe Chef
      September 23, 2011 | 5:29 pm

      I grew up in suburban MA and went to school on Comm. Ave for 4 years, so Boston is definitely near and dear to my heart 🙂

  23. Kayla
    October 30, 2011 | 6:44 pm

    hi! just wanted to pop in and say I really enjoy reading your blog…so many delicious recipes! 🙂 also, random, but I’m a Classics major at a New England area university as well. small world!

  24. Katie
    December 4, 2011 | 1:33 pm

    A college boy that likes to cook… there should be more of you fellas out there.

  25. Monisha
    January 9, 2012 | 8:31 pm

    Just discovered your blog-all the recipes sound yummy and I am so happy to find gluten free cookie recipes!

  26. Carolyn in NC
    January 9, 2012 | 8:35 pm

    I don’t know how “the google” brought me to your blog, but I love was intrigued with your dessert hummus and have found the PB choc chip one to be my favorite post-run re-fuel. Hey, it’s a complete protein, so why not?

    Carolyn in NC

  27. Jillian @ sprinkle massacre
    January 14, 2012 | 5:36 pm

    How I’ve seen your links and tweets everywhere and I never clicked over, I will never know. But I am sure glad I finally did! I mean, you have a recipe section for quinoa, hummus, and tofu/tempeh…come on! Love it.

  28. Adriane
    February 23, 2012 | 1:41 pm

    hi Evan, Thank you for all of the wonderful recipe ideas! I saw your peanut butter yogurt dip on Pinterest and HAD to try it!:)

    Here is my take on it if you’re interested:


    thanks again!
    Adriane – ‘The Kissters’

  29. Crysty-gardenofglutenfree
    March 12, 2012 | 1:23 am

    WHOA! A gluten free blogger that’s a guy! Nice! How refreshing…. (I’m sure there are more, I just don’t know about them…) Nice.

  30. Stacy
    May 21, 2012 | 9:44 pm

    I love your blog! Your recipes look delicious, I’m going to try the peanut butter dip w/fruit one this weekend for a cookout.
    Good Luck to you!

  31. Laura
    May 26, 2012 | 7:52 am

    I have nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! http://chroniclesofpassion.wordpress.com/2012/05/26/one-lovely-blog-award/

  32. natalie
    July 6, 2012 | 11:53 pm

    Hey Evan, I just wanted to say Thank You! for the gluten free carrot cake recipe you posted. I was so excited to find your recipe because my boyfriend LOVES carrot cake and is health conscious as well so finding your recipe was perfect! Thank you so much the cake came out great! – NM.

  33. Alek
    September 10, 2012 | 10:59 pm

    Hello fellow man blogger! Glad to find you! I olive to cook to(: Check out my blog runservecook.wordpress.com!

  34. ...
    October 8, 2012 | 4:21 pm

  35. Alyssa | Queen of Quinoa
    October 25, 2012 | 10:48 am

    Just found you on my search for gluten-free pizzelles. I love baking gluten-free and will definitely be adapting them to include my oh-so-favorite quinoa flour. Your photos are beautiful as well! I’m excited to search through your recipes.

  36. helen
    November 29, 2012 | 3:06 pm

    The Almond chocolate chip cookies are great! I whipped up the batter in under 10 minutes and baked for 15 minutes in the oven. Can´t wait to try your other recipes.

    Good luck to you. Nice to see a young person take initiative. Keep going and pushing yourself, even though it´s winter. Food photography sounds like a wonderful side gig. Maybe you can intern at the Food Network or a food magazine?

    Thanks for the great website.

  37. Ralph
    January 23, 2013 | 12:26 pm

    Hi Evan,

    your almond flour brownies are da bomb !

    regards from Amsterdam,

  38. Bronte
    March 2, 2013 | 12:51 am

    Can I just say, Go You!! It’s awesome what your doing, and I hope there will one day be more young people out there who show themselves to the world as they are, as you have done through your honesty and cooking. Enjoy your life, and cook on!
    P.S Reading your recipes it’s pretty clear your already a chef, hang what ever says your not! 🙂

  39. Kyli
    June 14, 2013 | 5:37 pm

    i absolutely love your site. i love that they are recipes for beginners and that most of the ingredients aren’t completely weird! 🙂 keep it up. i run a health page on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/healwithfood33) and would love to promote your recipes if that is okay with you. (my following is small, but i do what i can to spread good health)

    • Wannabe Chef
      June 14, 2013 | 6:52 pm

      Thank you, Kyli! I’m glad you enjoy the recipes and I’d love for you to share on your facebook page.

  40. Michael Packer
    January 6, 2014 | 7:22 pm


  41. Lisa
    February 2, 2014 | 4:07 am

    Thank you for the spinach banana orange smoothie

  42. Patti K.
    June 5, 2014 | 3:57 pm

    I love your site. Make almond flour brownies all the time and tell everybody about your recipes!!

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