Taking Another Crack At Eggs

April 9th 037

For the past 2 years eggs and I have not been best amigos. Sure, they’re a cheap source of protein, but unless I was counting on baked goods for protein I wasn’t getting any from eggs.

Did I break up with them because I don’t like the way they taste? No. I think eggs have a great neutral flavor, also that anything is good when you smother it with ketchup.

April 9th 031

And I do.

Did I break up with them because of the cholesterol thing? No, I’ve had high cholesterol since the day I was born. If you can fix that you should get a Nobel Peace prize.

April 9th 004

Did I break up with them because as a food blogger I’m constantly taking pictures of my meals and so everything’s cold by the time I actually eat it? No, but that’s remarkably true.

The reason is much more vain than all of that I assure you.

I stopped eating eggs because I could never cook them right. I can’t tell you how many yolks I broke trying to cook an egg sunny side up or fried. Even today don’t ask me to make you a recipe that involves separating the whites and yolks or—God forbid—whipping the egg whites; I’d just buy something from the store and say I made it.

April 4th 038

But then my friend gave me a duck egg a few weeks ago. “Don’t make brownies with them; they don’t make good brownies” she said. Crap, there went my plans. So instead I took the plunge and fried it with some vegetables in a pan. And it came out perfect so I made it again. And again.

There are so many ways to cook eggs, all of which I will be trying out now(except hardboiled because that’s just nasty). My point? Don’t give up on something because you fail a few times because at the end you just might find your reward, a fried, tasty reward.

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27 Responses to Taking Another Crack At Eggs
  1. Nicole @ Making Good Choices
    April 10, 2011 | 9:05 am

    haha so true. I’m usually stubborn and will give up and then wait like 4 months to try a recipe again. Glad you finally had egg success!

  2. Alayna @ Thyme Bombe
    April 10, 2011 | 9:07 am

    Mmmm…eggs. Growing up I wasn’t wild about them, but these days especially after a run when my body is needing protein, I crave them! I like a simple fried egg on toast with sea salt. It makes everything right with the world.

  3. Jen (The Best Kitchen)
    April 10, 2011 | 9:26 am

    Beautiful pics. Looks like eggs and you are amigos again 😀 I’m a egg lover 😛 mmm soo yummy.

  4. Corey @ the runner's cookie
    April 10, 2011 | 9:27 am

    I can never seem to make eggs right. I’m embarrassed to say I always ask Ben or my mom to make me eggs when I want them! Your many attempts definitely paid off -those look perfect! I think CaitlinHTP recently posted a video on how to make the perfect scrambled egg, unless scrambled grosses you out too 🙂

  5. Jenny @ Fitness Health and Food
    April 10, 2011 | 9:38 am

    haha! great post Evan 🙂

    it took being a breakfast line cook for me to love cooking eggs in many different ways. When I made my first omelet on the job I flipped it into the stove range 😛

    it takes time, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to smother them with ketchup 😉

  6. Devon (Run Sleep Rinse Repeat)
    April 10, 2011 | 9:55 am

    I’ve been on the verge of vegetarianism for a long time & duck is just one of those things I cannot bring myself to eat. Never tried duck eggs though… Never really considered how I feel about them either.

    Great, I’ll be internally debating this all day now.

  7. melissa @ the delicate place
    April 10, 2011 | 10:25 am

    if you use a slotted spoon to let the really goopy white part run off and then put it gently in a pan of simmering to boiling water you’ll get a perfect poached egg. also, i follow ina garten’s advice for anything egg related—she seems to be a zen goddess of them.

  8. Megan@eatmybeets
    April 10, 2011 | 11:06 am

    Wow duck eggs sound awesome! Did they taste like chicken eggs? Also – I heard that blood cholesterol is more affected by the type of fat you eat rather than ingested cholesterol.

  9. Ela
    April 10, 2011 | 2:21 pm

    Duck and other eggs are great! I’m glad you’re trying this again.

    And I have you pegged as a ‘relaxed foodie’ rather than a ‘nutritionalist,’ right? But anyway, I hope you’re not concerned about cholesterol: if it’s high from birth and hereditary, it’s very unlikely to correlate with any heart problem (and recent research is showing that the link between high total cholesterol and any kind of health problem is much more tenuous than has been thought)…


  10. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)
    April 10, 2011 | 2:58 pm

    Im about ready to eat eggs again I think. I know, crazy but true. I always make eggs down in Aruba for Scott and Skylar b/c they have local eggs and they look so good…maybe on our upcoming impromtu trip down there…I will give them another try. It’s been a decade or so but hey, life changes 🙂

  11. Salah@myhealthiestlifestyle
    April 10, 2011 | 4:44 pm

    I love eggs….I eat them almost every other day at least….one of my favorite things ever

  12. Meghan @ StruggleMuffins
    April 10, 2011 | 4:51 pm

    Love this, and its so true – sometimes you just gotta stick with it and you’ll eventually surprise yourself with what you’re able to create. Eggs have been on my ‘foods to avoid’ list for a while (except when it comes to baking) but this post inspired me to make something eggy. And hopefully make it well enough to actually eat it 🙂

  13. lisa
    April 10, 2011 | 6:32 pm

    have you ever had…
    1. scrambled eggs with pinch of salt, butter and maple syrup? MMMM.
    or another fav of mine,
    2. scrambled eggs with parmesan cheese incorporated in the bowl you mix it with before you put it on the pan. So good!
    Never had a duck egg- ill have to try it!

  14. Hannah
    April 10, 2011 | 6:47 pm

    I’m pretty good at making scrambled eggs 9the trick is boatloads of cream…) but poached eggs are something I reserve for eating out. Let someone else do the stressful part 😉

  15. Clare @ Fitting It All In
    April 10, 2011 | 7:04 pm

    There is nothing like a good drippy egg. I’m so glad you’re back on the bandwagon.

  16. Jessica
    April 10, 2011 | 7:20 pm

    at the market today the guy gave me duck eggs by mistake but then chased me down because apparently they are $2 more per egg than chicken eggs and asked if I’d like to trade or pay the difference. I traded back, but I’m glad you got yours to work! Also, separating the yolk from the white is not as complicated as it seems!!

  17. BroccoliHut
    April 10, 2011 | 7:36 pm

    I’ve just recently re-discovered eggs too–there’s nothing quite like a fried egg!

  18. Cynthia (It All Changes)
    April 10, 2011 | 7:46 pm

    Yeah for egg success. I love eggs for the protein and it’s super simple to turn a messed up fried egg into a scramble. I specialize in that variety 🙂

  19. Liz @ Tip Top Shape
    April 10, 2011 | 8:38 pm

    Ha, glad you and eggs are on good terms again!

  20. Ilana
    April 10, 2011 | 9:37 pm

    I hiiiighly recommend using eggs in stir fry dishes, like how you use an egg in pad thai – just crack it in at the end and let it scramble and cook as you stir the whole dish. It absorbs the flavors and it’s pretty much idiot-proof because it doesn’t have to be pretty, just delicious.

  21. Mandy - The Complete Cook Book
    April 11, 2011 | 5:30 am

    I love eggs and not sure I could go without them for very long.
    Great message about perseverance.
    🙂 Mandy

  22. Emma (Namaste Everyday)
    April 11, 2011 | 6:03 am

    I live on eggs. As a college kid, they are my fuel. a dozen for three bucks? um, yes please. I am only a little exaggerating when I say I eat them at every meal

  23. brandi@BranAppetit
    April 11, 2011 | 9:54 am

    it definitely takes practice! and even so, I go through weeks every now and then where it’s like I’ve never cooked eggs before – I crack them all over the place, can’t flip them, etc. But they’re always tasty 🙂

  24. Haley
    April 11, 2011 | 8:08 pm

    I love duck eggs! They’re so much creamier and flavorful. The shells are way thicker though… did you have to crack your shell with a knife too [or do I get my duck eggs from weird ducks]?

    • Wannabe Chef
      April 11, 2011 | 8:38 pm

      Mine broke pretty easily.

  25. Kathleen @ KatsHealthCorner
    April 11, 2011 | 8:18 pm

    YUM! 😀

  26. holly
    April 14, 2011 | 10:22 am

    eggs are my lifeblood. without these easy peasy CHEAP things, i wouldn’t eat dinner half the time.