Chocolate Cashew Butter

Chocolate Cashew Butter

Cashews and chocolate are an underappreciated combination.

Peanuts and chocolate have Reese’s. Almonds and chocolate have Trader Joe’s chocolate covered almonds. Hazelnuts and chocolate have Nutella. When will cashews get their moment to shine?

Until they do, we’ll all have to settle for homemade, which really isn’t so bad once you taste it. The cashews have a nutty, roasted flavor that perfectly mixes with the cocoa powder’s bitterness. If you have powdered vanilla, it’s a great way to add another depth of flavor. Starting the day off with a spoonful of this on toast or oatmeal will certainly keep you happy and healthy.

Chocolate Cashew Butter Ingredients

You can use roasted or unroasted cashews for this recipe, whole or halves and pieces. Since you’re pureeing them into a butter anyway, I would recommend choosing whichever is cheapest at the store.

Chocolate Cashew Butter

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 0 minutes

Ingredients(Makes 16 ounces):

  • 3 1/2 cups unsalted cashews
  • 1 Tablespoon oil
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 5 Tablespoons sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder(optional)

Chocolate Cashew Butter Making


  1. Combine the cashews and oil in a food processor or high-speed blender and puree according to the manufacturer’s directions until the cashews make a smooth butter.
  2. Add in the cocoa powder, sugar, vanilla and salt and blend until its mixed.
  3. Move to a sealable container and store at room temperature when not eating.

Chocolate Cashew Butter Yield

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4 Responses to Chocolate Cashew Butter
  1. Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking
    July 4, 2013 | 11:29 am

    Oh now this just looks so good! We love cashews and they are on my grocery list each week. I am going to buy extra this week and make it. I think my whole family will love it. Thanks!

  2. Gena
    July 22, 2013 | 12:45 pm

    So, this will certainly have to happen. Do you think a food processor will do it? I don’t have good luck with Vitamix nut butter.

    • Wannabe Chef
      July 22, 2013 | 1:26 pm

      Definitely! In my experience cashews are the easiest nut to butter.

  3. […] for something that takes 10 minutes to make with simple ingredients. This time around I used homemade chocolate cashew butter in place of the almond butter because it’s what I had on-hand and they tasted just as good if not […]