Cooking doesn’t always have to be a one-person deal. What brings people closer together than food? Cooking with others can be fun, especially if you’re with the right people. I first got this idea from Jessica to think about who I’d most like to cook with. All I can say is I better start cleaning up if any of these people were coming over.
Oprah Winfrey:

Why: It’s Oprah. She owns the world along with the OWN Network and probably has every famous person in her cell phone. We have absolutely nothing in common to talk about, so I’d just ask her incessant questions about her camping trip with Gayle(remember those magical episodes?) and when she’s going to run for president.
What we’d make:
Oprah and I share a clear affection for a certain orange spud, so naturally Sweet Potato Rounds would be on the menu. She’d probably want to eat pretty healthy, so we’d also make Balsamic Brussel Sprouts with Red Wine and Maple-Soy Chicken.
Suze Orman:

Why: Suze Orman scares me to death. I’m not even kidding about that; if I saw her walking down the street I’d probably hustle over to the other sidewalk(don’t act like you don’t do that to people you don’t want to talk to). But she would get me to make that kitchen spick and span; there wouldn’t be a better organized pantry after she’s through with me.
What we’d make: I’d be terrified to serve Suze anything that costs more than $5 to make but still want to impress her with flavors so I’d focus on all-in-one dishes like Chickpeas with Sole and Spinach and Vegged-Out Quinoa.
Paula Deen:

Why: Who could say no to the butter queen, ya’ll? Paula and I share a love of all things fat and sweet, just like us. She’s also a big Kathy Griffin fan, and like Kathy Griffin has quite the potty mouth when you get her off camera. What wouldn’t be fun about that?
What we’d make: When you have Paula Deen in the kitchen, you really need to go big or go home. Fudge Pies, Microwave Fudge, Outrageous Triple Chocolate Brownies—and those would just be the appetizers.
Who would you most like to cook with?