I’m not a rebel. I turn my papers in on time. I never borrow something without intending to bring it back. I would return rented movies back on time if anybody still rented movies nowadays. Still, there are just some rules in the kitchen I don’t care for. Of course I’ll change my ways when I step foot into a real restaurant kitchen. But you can bet on none of these happening when I’m at home.

1. Wash your hands before starting cooking.
I’m sorry. If I’m cooking for other people or guests are over, sure I’ll wash my hands. But if it’s just me, myself, and I eating, I just don’t care. Hell, depending on the hour of the day I might not be wearing pants. Don’t drop by unannounced.
2. Always attend a heated oven.
Now, in my defense I’m always present and counted for when it comes to a stove top. But not an oven. I’ve even left the house at times with the oven going and no one home(don’t read that, mom). I have better things to do than stand by and watch a potato bake for 2 hours.

3. Wash and peel your fruit and vegetables before eating.
If I don’t wash my hands, do you really think I’ll wash my vegetables? Besides, the skin is wear all the nutrients are. This has left for some unsavory moments, like biting into lettuce from the farmer’s market(which I did wash, just not thorough enough I guess) and chewing on dirt. They’re just extra B Vitamins.

4. Bake with room temperature eggs.
Really? Does anyone remember to do this?
5. Always heat oil in a pan before adding anything else.
When you’re searing tuna or a steak this is a great idea to get a nice, browned outside and rare inside. But when you’re a veg-head sautéing chickpeas and vegetables, there’s not much you can do to ruin the dish. I usually don’t even thaw frozen veggies before putting them on the stone. Sue me.
So, now that some of you might never want to eat with me again, fess up: What kitchen rule do you break when no one’s looking?