Dairy-Free Coffee Ice Cream

Dairy-Free Coffee Ice Cream

When you go to Starbucks there are almost too many decision. First you have to choose a drink, then a size, then a milk, then any other number of questions—what happened to plain old coffee? I’m just kidding; of course you should go with a tall caramel frappuccino with whipped cream.

I tried making this recipe because a friend told me vanilla soy milk makes the coffee taste better. If I didn’t buy the ingredients and make it myself I probably wouldn’t know this was dairy-free at all. The flavor is rich and dark and sweet.

Dairy-Free Coffee Ice Cream Ingredients

I suggest anywhere from 1/4 cup to 3/4 cup of sugar for this recipe because it depends on the other ingredients you use. If you use a flavored creamer and milk, use less sugar than you would if you use unsweetened varieties. At any point you can grab a spoon and taste how sweet the mix is, but keep in mind that the colder it is the less sweet it will taste.

Dairy-Free Coffee Ice Cream

Prep time: 40 minutes

Cook time: 0 minutes

Ingredients(Makes about 8 servings):

  • 2 cups soy milk creamer
  • 2 cups soy milk
  • 3 6oz instant coffee packets
  • 1/4-3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Dairy-Free Coffee Ice Cream Serving


  1. Pour 1 cup of soy milk creamer into a large bowl.
  2. Add the contents of the instant coffee packets and whisk until they’ve completely dissolved.
  3. Add in the rest of the ingredients and continue whisking until the sugar has dissolved.
  4. Freeze in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s directions.
  5. Move the ice cream to a safe container and freeze for an additional 2 hours until the ice cream has frozen.
  6. Let the ice cream sit at room temperature for 5 minutes to soften before scooping.

Dairy-Free Coffee Ice Cream Chocolate

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3 Responses to Dairy-Free Coffee Ice Cream
  1. melissa @ my whole food life
    August 21, 2013 | 3:20 pm

    I have been wanting to make a coffee ice cream. This looks amazing! Thanks!

  2. […] Dairy-Free Coffee Ice Cream | The Wannabe Chef […]

  3. […] Dairy-Free Coffee Ice CreamThis is the perfect coffee ice cream recipe for those who can’t consume dairy. Plus, it’s lower […]